April 24, 2013

Eating disorders behind fashion

by Zeta

What comes to your mind when you think about a disorder in fashion?
I do not know if we had the same thought. Me at least what came to my mind with the first thought is eating disorders. Eating disorders, unfortunately, make their appearance more and more frequently in recent years.
Eating disorders mainly occur the female population and less the men, but this may ultimately be wrong conclusion, since men are interested in body image differently, ie resorting mainly to the gym and eating protein and other drugs, and give more emphasis on athletic appearance and masculinity instead of maintaining the delicate silhouette, as women.
In a few words, eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The person with anorexia is dominated by the unwillingness to take food in order not to get weight despite the fact that the body weight is below the limits of normal for age, gender and height. So, he is constantly in an effort to lose more weight, as it has disturbed body image and gives undue emphasis to the influence of the latter for self assessment.
Do not be fooled by the etymology of the term 'anorexia', the person rarely lacks the appetite, but the intense fear of gaining weight leads him on a strict diet or exercise. As for the bulimia nervosa, and this, first time appears at the age of puberty, around 14 to 18 year.The main symptom is overeating. Overeating refers to a quantity of food consumption, which is apparently greater than most people during the same period of time and under similar conditions could consume.
Overeating usually succeeds change in mood and anxiety. To compensate for the guilt and discomfort that the person feels, is usually driven in catharsis by inflicted vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, fasting, excessive physical exercise etc. The 'catharsis' makes the person feel better immediately and removes the fear of gaining weight.
Not a few are the famous people who gave their own battle with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Some of them are the Princess Diana, the Lady Gaga, the Jessica Alba, the Mary Kate Olsen, the Ashlee Simpson, the Jane Fonda, the Nicole Richie and the Elton John. All these people have admitted publicly that some time in their lives, they had experienced this disorder.

Is my body 'in fashion' ? Unfortunately, today, this is how a large proportion of mainly women think,  as all these messages and the images from the fashion and media of very thin 'ideal' body 'bombard' their minds daily, and make them believe that only if they have that ideal body they can be 'in fashion'. 
This reasoning, however, is wrong. Since what matters is you to feel nice and that shows to your style. Style is that you make it your own, unique and above all to reflect your personality!

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